Riverside Community Primary



Early Year (ID 1213)

Things That Float

This week we have been looking at and investigating floating and sinking. We found out things need to have room for air inside to help them float. Boats float because they are hollow but if water fills in the spaces then it will sink.  We found lots of things around our room that could float and lots that sunk to the bottom.

Posted 21 Mar, 2024


Lunar New Year

This week we are learning all about Lunar New Year. We listened to the story of how the years were named after the animals in the race. If you were born in 2019 you are born in the year of the pig, if born in 2020 you are born in the year of the pig. We have used our scissor skills to make Chinese lanterns to welcome in the Spring, the children have been sweeping to sweep away bad luck and we have used chopsticks to pick up rice. We have also tried Chinese food, made blossom tree paintings and tried to draw some Chinese symbols.

 Posted Feb 8th, 2024

A visit to the local library 

We went for a walk down to the local library and saw lots of interesting things on the way.  When we got to the library, we looked at lots of different books, did some colouring and joined in with rhyme time.   

 Posted: 01 Dec, 2023

Exploring changes in the season 

We have been exploring the changes in the season this term.  We have been on welly walks looking at the different signs of Autumn we could find, running through the leaves, jumping in the puddles and making natural pictures using things that we found.  We have used leaves to do printing and explored things we have found using our senses.  We have also explored pumpkins, noticing things that are the same and different, doing observational drawings, painting them, sticking on them, hammering nails into them and making pumpkin soup!  Finally we also enjoyed making ghost buns just before Halloween.  

 Posted: 23 Nov, 2023

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