Riverside Community Primary

Year 2


Year 2 Techers (ID 1181)

Portrait Artist

Year 2 have recently had a very exciting visitor. Jo Beer came to tell us all about her job as a portrait artist. She showed us her paintings and talked to us about what she loves about her job.

 Posted 17th Mar, 2025

Dentist Visit

Year 2 had a visit from the dentist this morning. We spoke about how important it is to look after our teeth and brush them twice a day. We also got our very own toothbrush and book!

 Posted 14th Feb, 2025

DT Learning

Year 2 have been investigating soup as part of our DT learning. We tried 4 different soups, rated them out of 10 and described their taste and texture. Over the next few weeks, we will be designing and making our own soup using out chopping and peeling skills. 

 Posted 30th Jan, 2025


In year 2 we have been looking at how IT can help us. We have been looking carefully at how barcodes and scanners work in shops and we discussed how fast computers are compared to people. We took it in turns being the barcode finder, price checker and adding up the total. It took a long time! Computers definitely speed things up! 

 Posted 7th Oct, 2024


Ugly Bug Ball Dance

 In year 2 this half term we are creating our own dance for the ugly bug ball. Here are some of our insect movements we practised!

 Posted 19 Sept, 2024

Animals and Their Habitats

This term we have been looking at animals and their habitats. We explored food chains and learnt about predators, prey and consumers. We talked about how animals and plants depend on each other to stay alive. In groups, we made our own habitats suitable for animals we have been learning about.

 Posted 25 Apr, 2024



We used our DT skills to build our own play equipment models. We tried to use the joins we had been practising. 

 Posted: 17th Nov, 2023

Investigating Playground Equipment

Year 2 have been investigating playground equipment as part of their DT learning. We went to our local park to see how equipment was put together and what materials they were made from. We had so much fun!


Posted: 06 Oct, 2023 

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