Year 4
Year 4 Teachers (ID 1210)
Mrs M Dainty
Mrs M Dainty
Miss Palarm
Miss Palarm
Miss Nelles
Miss Nelles
Spring term in Year 4 is well underway. In science, we have enjoyed learning all about our teeth and how important our enamel is and the role that it plays. We carried out an experiment over the past fortnight and looked at the different effects drinks have on our teeth. We were so surprised at how much orange juice can break down our enamel if we do not brush well enough. In P.E. We continued to look at different stretches, balances and movements in gymnastics. We created some routines and included some props to make these more interesting. We look forward to seeing you all in classes on Monday afternoon next week 🙂
Posted 20th Mar, 2025
Visit To The Incinerator
Year 4 have had a fantastic few weeks back after half term, we have enjoyed our new topic in Geography 'sustainability' and had the best time visiting our local incinerator. We had a behind the scenes tour of the venue, met some of the staff that worked there and got to look directly into the furnace, which was absolutely fascinating. In Science, we have had a great time learning about our teeth. The children used some plaque reveal tablets to see where we could brush a bit better and looked at the drinks that can damage our enamel. Thank you for all your efforts with the word book day costumes, the children look brilliant!
Posted 6th March, 2025
Sound In Science
We had a fantastic end to the start of the spring term and have been very busy learning about many new topics. To complete our topic of sound in science, we carried out a 'sound muffling' experiment. Children made predictions about which material they thought would muffle the sound the best and we tested them all, before drawing our own conclusions, the children ensured that they created a fair test and used the equipment carefully and safely. We also had Safer Internet Day this week, the children are now much more aware of how to be safer online and how recognise and deal with scams. We have so much to look forward to this term with our trip to the incinerator, world book day, Red Nose day, climate change workshops, mothers day and Easter crafts!
Posted 25th Feb, 2025
We cannot believe that another 2 weeks have passed, time is flying! This term in PE. the children have been learning all about gymnastics. We have been focusing on learning how to balance and hold positions. The children enjoyed helping their friends and joining forces to create some fantastic positions with up to 5 people!
In science, we have started our new topic all about sound. In this week's lesson, the children created their own instruments using plastic tubs and elastic bands. They explored how the vibrations change depending on the thickness and tightness of the elastic bands. We made class bands and had a lot of fun
Posted 30th Jan, 2025
Good Start to New Year
Year 4 have come back beautifully after Christmas, and we have loved hearing about all of the wonderful holidays the children have had. We have been learning a new topic in history, 'The Anglo Saxons'. We have made some beautiful clay brooches, and the children worked really hard to patiently and carefully decorate them, they will be coming home in something very special at the end of this half term.
In P.E. We have started our topic 'Gymnastics'. The children are learning all of the different positions that gymnasts hold during their routines. Please enjoy looking at our pictures on the school website!
In Literacy, we have been learning an awesome piece of Poetry about some Trolls that have moved in next to the Bogey Men, which some children have decided to perform. We have been working hard to use the tools we know to help us remember the words such as drawing pictures or using actions. Well done year 4!
Posted 16th Jan, 2025
First Term
What a fun-filled and packed first term in Year 4! This week, children have had fun building their bridges based on the knowledge they had learned about materials and different types of structures. We have been so impressed with their ability to use all of the shapes and structures that they learned at the Tamar Bridge Visiting Centre and followed the instructions beautifully when working in teams.
Year 4 have been feeling festive and thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas jumper and dinner day. It was so lovely to sit all together, pull crackers, eat and tell jokes.
Thank you for all your support this year parents and guardians! Have a wonderful Christmas and we will see you in the New Year, Love the Year 4 Team! x
Posted 20th Dec, 2024
We have had an exciting few weeks in Year 4. The children have thoroughly enjoyed swimming the past two weeks and the amount of progress has been incredible. We have been so proud of their independence when getting ready and being responsible for their belongings. Some children have even had a go at jumping off the diving boards and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone. The children particularly impressed us with how sensible they were when we had a fire evacuation at the swimming pool, the children listened beautifully and followed the instructions of the staff quietly and calmly. Well done Year 4! One more week of swimming to go!
Posted 5th Dec, 2024
Tamar Bridge
Year 4 have had the best time in the past few weeks, including a visit to the Tamar bridge in relation to their science topic this half term, 'The Big Build'. The children were very sensible and were proud ambassadors for our school during the walks to and from the bridge, we were very impressed with them! The children were able to look in great detail at both the Tamar and Royal Albert bridges and discuss how and why they were made. We also learnt about the different types of bridges and we could not believe that the very bridge that we have on our doorstep, is the only lenticular bridge in the entire world! Year 4 also thoroughly enjoyed their visit from Pudsey to raise money for Children In Need. Pudsey gave us lots of high fives and we enjoyed learning about all of the different ways that our money raised could be spent helping others.
Posted 21st Nov, 2024
We hope you had a restful half-term break. Year 4 had a wonderful last day of term at the Halloween disco, showing off their moves and enjoyed some well-deserved treats. We have been so impressed by the way they have come back to school with everything they need ready to learn. Well done Year 4! We cannot wait to share all of the trip's pictures we have planned in the next few weeks with you all soon! Year 4 Team.
Posted 07th Nov, 2024
Roman Day
We have had the most fun this week in Year 4. In P.E. we have been looking at Line Dancing. The children have been learning three steps. The Charleston, The Chasse and the Strut. We have been amazed at how quickly the children have learnt the steps and have really enjoyed dancing with us.
On Monday we had a Roman Soldier come and join us for the day, he taught us everything about life as a Roman Soldier e.g. what he had to wear, how he trained, what games they used to play and he even let us learn how to use shields and weapons. The children described this as 'The best day ever!'
Posted 10th Oct, 2024
States Of Matter
Year 4 have had another wonderful couple of weeks in school, they are continuing to show us their readiness to learn and have demonstrated their 5 school Bees beautifully.
This week, Year 4 have been learning about 'States of Matter' in Science. The children's favourite experiment was melting chocolate and of course, we had to taste it to check it had properly melted! They have really wowed us with their ability to build on prior knowledge and make links with other areas of learning.
In Literacy, the children have begun to write their own stories based on a dilemma text we have been reading in class. We have been amazed by the language used by the children including the power words that they should be able to tell you. It has been lovely to watch them use and understand their new vocabulary.
Posted 26th Sept, 2024
Preparing For The Year Ahead
The new Year 4 children have had a fantastic first two weeks in school, they have thrown themselves into learning and have enjoyed the new and exciting opportunities that Year 4 has presented.
Last week, we did a Riverside Ready week to help the children (and staff) prepare for the upcoming year. The children worked hard to build on their prior mathematical learning and were about to start thinking about representing thousands with some maths equipment.
We had some time to think about our new classes and all of the different skills we all bring to the team and created some swirl art work to represent our uniqueness.
This week we had our first ukelele lessons, the children loved learning this new skill and we look forward to forming our bands soon.
Posted 12th Sept, 2024
Wellbeing Week
We had a lovely Wellbeing week last week. The children had a wide range of new experiences to try out and enjoy from creating stop motion animations, making pizza from scratch and trying out ballet. We had an afternoon in the environmental area where we lit the fire and made smoors, found a slow worm and explored the local nature. Sports day was a huge success, as was the family pic nic. What a great week. Check out the school Flicker account for more photos!
Posted 01 July, 2024
Father's Day
Writing Skills
Posted 23rd May, 2024
Posted 10th may, 2024
NVV Incinerator
Posted 25 Apr, 2024
Space Odyssey
Posted 29th Feb, 2024
Geometric Patterns
Multiplication and Division Pathways
We have been very busy in year 4 so far this term! The children have been working very hard and are learning to be more resilient. In Numeracy we have been flying through the multiplication and division pathways. The children have learnt about number factors to make a product and exploring how many ways they can multiply numbers to make a given product.
In Design and Technology we are creating Jewlery boxes to hold out Anglo-Saxon styled broaches. We have been exploring nets and shell structures , both physically and digitally using Polydrons and an CAD design tool called TinkerCAD.
In PE we have been thinking about shape and balances in gymnastics. The children practiced their tucks, pikes and straddles.
In Science we have been learning about sound and this week pitch, the children made their own simple instruments and explored how the different sized rubber bands sound when plucked.
keep up the good work Year 4!
Posted 25th Jan
Anglo-Saxon Britain
So far this Spring term Year 4 have been learning about the Anglo Saxons. We started the term off by learning how the Romans retreated and left Britain and then the Anglo-Saxon tribes came in and took over. We looked at primary and secondary sources of information and explored artefacts. The children then went on to design their own Anglo-Saxon styled brooches from clay and in Design and Technology we will be designing and making jewellery boxes to contain our brooches.
In science we have started to learn about sound and how we hear. In computing we are looking at programming and creating shapes with reptation both online with the Turtle academy and with programmable devices ProBots.
Posted 19th Jan, 2024
Investigating living things in the local environment
Science, Maths & Computing
Over the last couple of weeks in Science the children have been learning about living things and animal classification. We practiced our own classification skills by asking yes/no questions about the biscuits to classify them into groups.
This week's Maths learning has all been about time and converting analogue clocks to digital times. These boys have really impressed us with their progress and determination.
For our computing lessons, we have been learning how to edit audio on the app GarageBand on the iPads and adding different sounds to our recordings.
Posted: 01 Dec, 2023