Riverside Community Primary

Year 5 Blogs

Argyle PE Sessions

This term we are lucky enough to be enjoying PE sessions delivered by the Argyle Community Team. They've been teaching us about the effects of physical activity on our bodies and giving us new skills to help us create our own games to get us moving more! We've then had the responsibility to teach our group's games to the other children: all in all much fun and many racing hearts!

Posted: 16 Jan, 2024 

Music Lesson

We can certainly say that we haven't been feeling 'blue' whilst learning about 'The Blues'!  Quite the contrary: we're loving our music lessons this term.  Having looked at musical notation, and learnt how symbols are used to communicate sounds, we've put our new skills to the test to start to read music.  Alongside this new skill, and using tuned instruments, we've been patiently learning and practising key chords to help us learn a tune: Moanin' Lisa Blues. We think we sound fabulous......

 Posted: 30 Nov, 2023

Operation Earth

Before the half term holiday, Year 5 enjoyed an excellent experience - Operation Earth: We are Guardians - shared with us by Exeter Science Centre. Scientists joined us - both in person and online - to help us understand environmental science.  After an assembly demonstrating what's happening to our world in terms of how we're - humans - polluting the air, water and land, we were engaged in a number of hands-on activities, including a VR experience, taking us to different natural environments.  Furthermore, we used microscopes and planted seeds, which we took home to grow - hopefully, helping to make our world a better place (every little positive action helps).

 Posted: 15 Nov, 2023


Recycling was the name of the game this month, down at the allotment.  We learnt how to read labels on packaging to find out if it can be recycled, what happens if rubbish has to be sent to the incinerator and all about composting!  Then we plunged deep into the compost heap to extract the juicy compost that has been created over the last couple of years: boy, did the potatoes we planted the other week appreciate the nutritional value of it! And.....we loved getting our hands dirty!

 Posted: 16 Oct, 2023

Space Odyssey Planetarium Dome

On Thursday 28th September 2023, we spent an amazing day immersed in space with the Space Odyssey Planetarium Dome. We looked at scientists and astronauts who have conquered space and the stars and planets of our universe. 

 Posted: 11 Oct, 2023

Y5 First week back 

Many year groups start their year at a ‘walking’ pace but not us in Y5 – we cycle!  That’s right, Bikeability has been visiting us and we have been getting our pedals ready for a safe cycling to school.  Lots of us have finally learnt to ride a bike, and you may well have seen lots of us travelling around the neighbourhood, learning to be a vehicle on the road.  We now know how to signal to show which direction we’re travelling, stay a safe distance from the curb (also when we’re manoeuvring around other vehicles) and – most importantly – be aware of EVERYTHING that’s happening around us to make sure we, and any other road users, stay safe. We’d love to be able to keep the cycling momentum going from now onwards and ride our bikes to school; we are welcome to park them outside Mrs Willcocks’ office (if we have a bike lock and helmet).

Posted: 15 Sep, 2023